BAM Magazine May 18, 1979

Bill Graham has turned that Screamers gig we mentioned into a whole avant garde new wave show, featuring, along with the L.A.-based punk superstars, two San Francisco faves, Tuxedomoon and The Units. The show, Graham's first at California hall on Polk Street, will be on Friday, May 25, and may well indicate a willingness on the part of Graham's organization to start getting regularly involved promoting shows for unsigned local bands.

S.F.(fragment), Flipside #15, July 1979

by Jill
The Screamers (billed as "a Nite of Electro Psycho Rock"), Tuxedomoon and the Units show at the California Hall (625 Polk)a few weeks ago was boycotted because of high prices ($6.50/$7.50) and the Bill Graham influence.